
Breaking Through Digital Signage Barriers: How Wallboard is Making Displays Accessible to All

4 minutes

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While digital signage has yet to quite reach science-fiction levels, it has made huge strides in the last few years. 

In the past, implementing digital signage was an expensive and complex process, often reserved for large corporations with extensive budgets. But times have changed!

Now, businesses around the world are using digital displays to engage and attract consumers like never before, thanks to advancements in technology and the emergence of user-friendly platforms like Wallboard. 

We're here to explore how Wallboard has transformed the landscape by making digital signage more accessible for businesses of all sizes.

We Designed a User-friendly Interface for Non-Experts

Content creators need a user-friendly interface so they can focus on creating visually appealing digital displays without getting bogged down in complicated tools.

Many solutions can be overwhelming for users without extensive design experience, causing them to either spend precious hours attempting to master the tool or hire someone who knows how to use it effectively.

But our intuitive interface allows users with little to no design experience to create dynamic digital displays quickly and easily. Here's how we do it:

  • Drag-and-drop functionality: An easy drag-and-drop system lets users quickly add or arrange elements to their displays, so they can focus on design and messaging.
  • Intuitive menu options: Straightforward menu options make it easy for anyone to customize and control display elements, removing technical barriers and making content creation easier.
  • Pre-built Templates: Choose from a wide range of templates to quickly start projects with professional and visually appealing designs or customize them to fit your needs.

We Offer a Cost-Effective Alternative 

One of the major barriers to entry for digital signage has been the high cost associated with hardware and software, often putting it out of reach for small businesses. 

Without affordable options, smaller businesses may be unable to take advantage of digital signage technology, missing out on opportunities to engage with their audiences and grow their brand.

We overcame this obstacle by offering a cloud-based, scalable solution that requires minimal upfront investment. Our solution has: 

  • Compatibility with existing screens or devices: Businesses can use their existing screens or devices, cutting costs and making digital signage more affordable.
  • Flexible pricing: Choose from different pricing plans tailored to various needs so that content creators can choose the plan that fits their budget.

We Use Real-Time Content Management

Content freshness, relevance, and engagement are key factors for digital signage success—and that can only be achieved by allowing content to be updated from anywhere. 

Many solutions have complex updating processes or lack real-time features, making it difficult for content creators to deliver up-to-date displays that resonate with their audience.

That's why Wallboard's cloud-based content management system (CMS) is the perfect solution for content creators who need to push out updates from anywhere in the world. Our solution includes:

  • Remote management: Users can access and manage their displays from any device with an internet connection, enabling them to quickly make changes and monitor their digital signage from anywhere.
  • Instant updates: Wallboard enables content creators to make changes to their displays on the fly, ensuring their audience always sees the most up-to-date information and helping creators keep content fresh and relevant.
  • Advanced scheduling and automation: Content creators can easily plan and control their displays with Wallboard's scheduling and automation features. They can set specific start times for different content and automate content rotation based on triggers like time, date, or weather.

We Include Integration and Customization Capabilities

From social media feeds and news updates to weather forecasts and financial data, there is a wide range of integrations a business can add to its displays to create customized and engaging signage that reflects its brand.

Without these capabilities, it's challenging to incorporate diverse data sources to curate content that resonates with viewers.

But that's never a problem with Wallboard. With versatile content options and easy customization, businesses can build displays that make an impact with their target audience. Here's how we make it happen:

  • Seamless integration with popular apps and services: By connecting with apps like Google Calendar and social media platforms, content creators can easily integrate diverse data sources into their displays, enriching and enhancing their content.
  • Multi-screen and multi-zone support: With Wallboard, users can manage multiple displays and create unique content for different areas, ensuring businesses maintain a consistent brand image across all their digital signage while delivering specific messages to specific audiences or areas.

We Provide Robust Analytics and Reporting

Using analytics and reporting tools is key to measuring the effectiveness of your displays, improving your content, and making smart decisions based on data. 

Without that insight, you could end up with boring or ineffective content that doesn't engage your audience or meet your goals.

With Wallboard's built-in analytics and reporting tools, creators get critical insights into how audiences interact with their displays, giving them the ability to identify trends, make informed decisions, and optimize content strategy to maximize ROI.

Here's what you can expect from our solution:

  • Comprehensive performance metrics: With Wallboard, businesses can assess the performance of their digital signage strategy by analyzing key KPIs, such as impressions, interactions, and conversions.
  • Customizable reports: Reports can be generated based on specific metrics, timeframes, or locations, allowing users to analyze and improve their digital signage efforts with precision.

Closing Thoughts

As digital signage continues to evolve, the need for flexible solutions will grow. We are ready to make this powerful communication tool available to everyone. 

From intuitive design tools to advanced accessibility options, we are revolutionizing the way businesses and organizations communicate and interact with their audiences. 

Schedule a demo and see how easy it is to build the digital signage network you've been dreaming of.

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